Removal of raised skin changes
By equipping our practice with the state-of-the-art »Erbium-YAG-Laser MCL 31 Dermablate«, we are able to precisely remove individual layers of skin and thus significantly improve your complexion.
This is how the laser treatment works
In order to carry out treatments with the ablating laser for you without stress and without pain, we first numb the relevant skin area locally.
We can then use the laser within macrometer accuracy thanks to the highest level of precision. By absorbing water, it allows cell layers on the surface to simply evaporate.
After using the laser, the skin may feel slightly warm. Similar to a small abrasion, the treated area will heal after a short time and form a crust. The treated area should be kept free of bacteria with a special anti-inflammatory cream to prevent an infection. To prevent a scar from forming, it's important to let the scab stay until it peels off on its own.
When the crust comes off after ten days to two weeks, the fresh skin underneath becomes visible. Initially, it is still red, but this subsides quickly and can be easily covered. After the laser treatment, the skin is more sensitive than usual and should be protected from UV radiation every day for four weeks with a high SPF so that no pigment shifts can be triggered.
In most cases, a single treatment with the ablating laser is enough to smooth the affected area of skin again.
Our experts will be happy to advise you on the individual options this treatment can offer you.
Application areas:
- raised moles
- scar
- age warts
- actinic keratoses
- sunspots
- xanthelasma
- syringomas