Laser treatment of spider veins in Frankfurt
Spider veins are dilated blood vessels that run directly under the skin. They appear mainly on the legs and can appear red or bluish. They usually develop due to a hereditary predisposition. Pregnancy, standing jobs or hormone preparations can favor their development. They occur in about 60% of the population and have no medical significance without involvement of the deep leg vein system. However, they are often considered to be an aesthetic nuisance.
To rule out the involvement of the deep leg veins, a painless ultrasound examination of the veins can be performed. You are welcome to make an appointment for this.
Nd:Yag laser treatment of spider veins
We are particularly good at treating thin spider veins with the Nd:Yag laser (Clarity II laser, 1064 nm wavelength). The laser beam is absorbed by the blood vessel, which then closes. The vessel is broken down within the next 4 weeks. For thicker vessels, foam sclerotherapy can be used to remove the spider veins.
The treatment is painless and can be carried out without local anesthesia due to the cooling system in the device. Depending on the size of the treated area the appointment time is approx. 30-45 minutes. A second session can be carried out after 4-6 weeks, depending on the findings.
After laser therapy, the treated areas should be protected from the sun for at least 4 weeks to avoid pigmentation.