Vascular laser therapy
If the complexion does not appear even - for example due to dilated vessels and/or redness - we can use lasers to gently and reliably remedy the situation. In the case of rosacea, for example, the treatment has a positive effect on the skin disease.
This is how the treatment works
A Quadro Star Pro Yellow is available in our practice. This laser is equipped with a yellow wavelength of 577 nm and ensures that the treated vessel closes. The surrounding tissue, on the other hand, is completely spared thanks to the high level of precision. The result is visible immediately after the treatment: the vessels have closed and redness has been significantly reduced.
Usually a single treatment is sufficient to effectively compensate for optical peculiarities. In severe cases (such as a combination of extensive redness and severely dilated vessels), two to three treatments are necessary for an sufficient results spaced four to six weeks apart.
It is important to apply sunscreen after the treatment as the skin can be particularly sensitive for a few weeks. Permanent pigment shifts can be successfully avoided with a SPF of at least 50.
There are almost no side effects with this treatment. Furthermore, this modern form of laser therapy is also ideal for darker skin types.
Application areas:
- dilated veins
- rosacea
- couperose
- flat redness
- spider nevi
- eruptive angiomas
- birthmarks
- blood sponges